About CS SmartKids

What We're All About

CS SmartKids is a kids coding program run by CellStrat AI Lab, India’s best AI Lab. CS SmartKids team is dedicated to convert the young kids into computer wizards by helping them learn Python programing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning, followed by full stack product development internship.

Our Vision

At CS Smartkids, team’s vision is to train kids in advanced AI so they develop eminent global profiles as well as launch global AI products.

Our Mission

Train 100,000 kids around the world in 3 years and give the world a highly skilled future manpower.

Vivek Singhal - Chief Data Scientist

A leading Data Scientist and thought leader with expertise in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning.

Strong experience in AI, telecom and software in leading MNCs like AT&T, Schlumberger, IBM etc. as well as several startups such as Healthiply, SalesGlobe and LocVille.com.

Education : BE (IIT Roorkee), MBA (Georgia State Univ, Atlanta, USA)

Vishal Singhal - Marketing Head

Vishal is an Author, Industry Leader and Evangelist in Artificial Intelligence, IOT / Connected Devices, Emerging Industries etc.

He is an experienced executive specializing in marketing and business development in industries such as Technology, Retail and Edu-tech.

Education : MBA (University of Western Sydney, Australia)


Head CSSmartKids Business

She is an AI researcher at CellStrat AI Lab and has keen interest in making young minds learn coding skills in a fun and interesting manner.

Research & IP

CellStrat is India’s top research firm in emerging areas of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and other cutting-edge technologies.


CellStrat AI practice defines the standards in Artificial Intelligence design and consulting. Our Deep Learning algorithms are disrupting the way how business gets done !

Training & Certification

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence are the hottest careers today ! Get certified with our industry-leading training courses and see your career take-off !