5 Data Science Projects for Beginners
If you want to be an AI expert, then data science is the very first step for you. In this blog we will discuss 8 beginner’s projects which can help …
History of Artificial Intelligence
When we talk about Artificial intelligence, we think its a new concept and not even 100 years old. But this is not true. If you will trace the history, you …
Smart Kids Around the World by CSSmartKids
If you want to know why your kids should learn to code, then CSSmartKids present you with the top 3 Young Programmers of the world. Guess what, all of them …
Top 8 platforms for kids to learn ML & AI
Dear parents, do you know that new the norms of education and learning have changed. We are living in a time when the traditional education of the school is not …
Why do your kids need to learn to code?
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Starting with the number one reason why your kid should learn to code is that it develops the critical thinking ability in the kid. This …